See the Python List of Changes for S24.With the release of Cinema S24, Python was updated to v3.9.1. New Python Current Version is 3.95 (May 21, 2021) Yep, that one gets the big blue button because it’s important! Be sure to bookmark that page. New The Official Cinema 4D S24.035 Python Documentation It’s also well-integrated into Cinema 4D: as a Mograph Effector, as a script, a tag, an Xpresso node, and more. High-level refers to the fact that it’s made to be easy for humans to read and write, so that should give you some idea about it. Python is an easy-to-learn, powerful, high-level programming language that useful for creating tools, plug-ins, or scripting for 3D applications, games, After Effects, and more. Anything that is new is labeled with a New badge. The current version information is below in the blue box. The beta 3.10b went up today, May 21, 2021. This is an older article that we decided to update because Python 3.10 will be out soon. And, of course, a bunch of tutorials and free Python scripts! This is an overview of Python, why you might want to learn Python as a Cinema 4D user, and where you can learn Python for free. I promise that I will not get technical in this post. Well, learning just a bit, enough to be dangerous, can expand what you do in Cinema 4D and automate repetitive tasks to speed up your workflow. Learning Python will be difficult and I don’t have time.